First snowfall this year

Saturday, October 18, 2014

This year´s first snow fall happened last October 16. (I know, late post!) I remember waking up to a day where everything outside seemed to be dusted with confectioner´s sugar. It is a light thought, reminiscent that to the story of Hansel and Gretel- minus the children-eating witch part. To my fellow expats who originally come from tropical countries, you probably remember that first time you saw and held a snowflake on your palm when you came here - or some other version similar to that. I remember mine.

There is always two sides to a story. It is not always sunny and happy, we all know that. (Yikes, I sense an impending gloom). This snowfall equates to the end of warmer days and welcoming the cold, grey/dark and depressing season. Why do I always remember the movie 30 days of night when autumn/winter comes? I know right??!! (Too much watching of The Vampire Diaries and the The Originals) Hyssjjj!!!! (Norsk equivalent to shush).

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